The purpose of the Central New Jersey Alumnae Panhellenic Association is to continue developing the Panhellenic sisterhood our alumnae first encountered as undergraduate members. We educate high school graduates as they consider joining a sorority, support collegiate Panhellenics members through scholarship opportunities, foster interfraternal relations and increase awareness of and promote a positive image of sororities within our communities.
The Central New Jersey Alumnae Panhellenic Association chapter serves Essex, Hunterdon, Ocean, Middlesex, Monmouth, Mercer, Morris, Somerset, Union, and Warren Counties.
The members of the CNJAPA can be found doing many things:
- We hold formal business meetings 4 times per year;
- We support the CNJAPA Foundation, providing scholarships annually to collegiate and alumna Panhellenic women who attend school in, or permanently reside within, counties represented by CNJAPA
- We participate in programming with area College Panhellenics;
- We attend virtual and in-person social events;
- We support the philanthropic work of all 26 National Panhellenic women's fraternities.