Bylaws Committee
The Bylaws Committee oversees any and all updates to our bylaws as needed. Members review and revise the bylaws as per NPC updates to ensure our alumnae chapter bylaws are consistent with NPC guidelines.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee serves as an additional resource to our Treasurer. They provide financial analysis, advice, and oversight of the organization's budget.
Fundraising Committee
The Fundraising Committee organizes events and social activities to raise funds for our scholarship, informs Delegates of these events and asks Delegates to invite participation of their chapters/alumnae. In addition they keep in contact with our donors making sure to thank them for their financial support. The committee will continue to explore various avenues for fundraising including researching grants and employer matching gift opportunities.
Chairperson Contact: cnjapa.vp@gmail.com
Scholarship Committee
The Scholarship Committee creates and distributes our scholarship application and shares information about our scholarship process with NPC, College Panhellenics and campus-based Panhellenic advisors. Members review all applications and select recipients, presenting them with their scholarship at our annual Scholarship Luncheon. They keep the NPC Area Advisor informed on all scholarship award related activities.
Chairperson Contact: cnjapa.scholarships@gmail.com