JOIN US IN supporting our mission

Our Purpose​​​
The purpose of the Central New Jersey Alumnae Panhellenic Association is to connect with local College Panhellenics, raise funds for deserving scholars, educate high school women about the recruitment process, foster interfraternal relations and promote a positive image of sororities within our communities.

Scholarship Luncheon​​​
Each Spring the CNJAPA Foundation awards undergraduate and graduate scholarships to assist Panhellenic members in their education endeavors. All CNJAPA area alumnae are invited to join us at the luncheon as we celebrate our scholars.
Making a Difference in our
Supporting Circle of Sisterhood
In 2013, CNJAPA adopted the Circle of Sisterhood, a non profit organization founded and powered by sorority women to remove education barriors for girls and women facing poverty and oppression, as our philanthropy. Through the CNJAPA Foundation, we raise funds and increase awareness of the cause.

As Panhellenic sisters, we support the philanthropies of each of our member organizations through donations of goods and services as well as hands on service. The Rutgers Food Pantry, the Starkey Hearing Foundation, Ronald McDonald House and The Seeing Eye are just a few agencies we've supported.
Connecting with College Panhellenics
CNJAPA supports our local collegian Panhellenic Councils and their communities by attending events and programs, and networking with undergraduate students.

Having Fun with Sisters
CNJAPA members enjoy spending time with their Panhellenic sisters. Holiday Gift Exchanges, Cider Tastings, Wreath Making, trips to local attractions and more! Join us and join in on the fun!