Sorority Recruitment
Information for Parents and Students
CNJAPA’s goal is to assist families and students from Essex, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, Ocean, Somerset, Union and Warren counties in having the best sorority recruitment experience possible, no matter if they attend university in or out of state.
CNJAPA members are happy to talk with families and students about the NPC (National Panhellenic Conference) sorority experience. A list of the 26 NPC member sororities can be found on our page. Additional info about the sorority experience can be found at TheSororityLife.com
On almost all campuses a College Panhellenic Council and/or an Office of Fraternity/Sorority Life will coordinate sorority recruitment. If you are interested in participating in recruitment in New Jersey please visit the following sites for more information:
Fairleigh Dickinson University -
Fairleigh Dickinson University - Metropolitan Campus
Kean University
Monmouth University
Montclair State University
New Jersey Institute Of Technology
Ramapo College Of New Jersey
Rider University
Rutgers University
Seton Hall University
The College Of New Jersey
William Paterson University
Recommendation Requests:
Introductions, also called references or letters of recommendation, are required by many collegiate chapters and can be compared to job references. Please refer to our "Recommendation Requests" page for details.